Rethinking Learning Models: Online and Blended

  • Author: Eduscape
  • Course Level: 404 
  • Est. Length: 2 hours
  • Grade(s): PK-12th Grade
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Course description
If you think about your school setting, schedule organization, and student attendance, location, and routine, what comes to mind: in-person, remote, hybrid, or multiple method instruction? These models of learning have been widely adopted. They can be adapted to create learning experiences that are accessible to all students. This course will provide an overview of these models, compare them to our experience with learning models, and discuss various approaches. Next, this course will examine ways in which these models can be leveraged to meet specific challenges, needs, and goals of school communities. By the end of the professional development experience, participants will create a turn-key learning model resource to use in their classroom, schools, and/or districts.