
14-day free trial for up to three (3) users
in an organization

What's included

  • Five (5) Curated Courses & Onboarding 
  • Learning Dashboard
  • 10 hours of content total
  • Community access
  • Two self-assessments
  • Up to three (3) users / trial  
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Curated Courses
Onboarding Course
Learning Dashboards
Community Access
The trial provides access to a total of five (5) courses selected from Learning Paths. Learning Paths are sequences of four (4) eLearning courses that build on learner knowledge and skill as a learner advances. Paid subscibers can choose their own Learning Paths from our full catalog.
The myEduscape Onboarding Course supports learners in accessing, navigating and maximizing the platform.
The Learning Dashboard captures the learning data associated with individual, school and district accounts.
Self-assessments provide the opportunity for learners to check their knowledge, receive personalized recommendations, and monitor their progress.
Self-assessment choices include topics of pedagogy, Google, Microsoft, or Canvas.
Free trial users can select up to two self assessments that they can take one time.
Paid subscribers have  weekly opportunities to measure their growth by retaking their self assessments.
Learners engage in the myEduscape community to share, question and grow with other professionals as well as in thematic groups.
